A Letter to All Poker Players

To all poker players,

March 23, 2006

Jesse JonesI will be announcing the launch of the World Poker Association (WPA) on March 27, 2006. The aim of the WPA is to create a globally recognized governing body for tournament poker.

Over the past five years we have been witness to and a part of the growing popularity of tournament poker. My goal is for the WPA to establish uniform tournament standards, a code of ethics, and address player rights & benefits for professional players; and to thrust the sport of tournament poker into a new professional era, similar to what the PGA was able to do for golf.

The WPA is a non-profit organization that is not, nor will it ever be, affiliated with any specific tour or entity within the industry. Our goal is to unite all tournament poker entities (from the casual tournament player to the professional to the casinos to poker tours) to establish standardized rules, codes of ethics and conduct and an international ranking system for players.

As you are aware, the world of tournament poker is in chaos. New tournaments are constantly popping up around the world, each carrying their own set of standards from beginning chip counts to pay-out structures. As a professional player, you above all, are directly impacted by the ever-changing rules and regulations.

There have been several attempts to start a professional poker association in the last few years. None have been successful to date. I have been told by many people in the industry that it will never work because poker players are a self-centered bunch and only look out for their own individual interests. I’ve been told that to organize poker players is an impossible task. So far all of the naysayers have been right. They must chuckle every time they see someone make the attempt. Are you tired of paying for every buyin and allowing others to benefit? Are you tired of inconsistent rules, structures, and payouts? I challenge you to prove them wrong. Join the WPA now. Tell everyone you know to join the WPA now. It is only in numbers that the WPA will have any chance of success. That success will translate into consistent playing conditions and better financial opportunities for all of us.

Join me now to make tournament poker more than a passing trend by creating the stability and integrity found throughout professional sports organizations. I am excited to announce that I have already secured a number of founding members, including Kenna “Cowboy” James, Joe Beevers, Barny Boatman, Juha Helppi, Blair Rodman, Steve Brecher, and Barry Greenstein, of which you can join, who are a part of this necessary and pivotal organization that will have lasting impact in the world of tournament poker. As a founding member you will be acknowledged on the website.

For more information please email me at [email protected] or visit the Web site: www.wpapoker.com to join online.

Jesse Jones
World Poker Association, Join Now