In this section you are provided with a series of multiple-choice questions about Hold'em. Your task is to identify the correct answer in each case.

Which player holds the nut hand with the following board?

  Board Cards  
A   B   C   D  

Answer C is correct. Each player has a straight here, by simply playing the board. Player B can even use one of the Tens in his hand to make a Ten-high straight. However, player C can top that by using both of his hole cards to make a Jack-high straight: J-10-9-8-7.

How many bets and raises are allowed in a betting round of pot-limit Hold'em?

Answer D is correct. In limit Hold'em there is often a restriction on the number of bets and raises allowed in a single round. However, in pot-limit (and no-limit) poker, two or more players can keep raising until one or other runs out of chips and is forced 'all-in'.